Friday, October 28, 2016

It's a Thing.

#DogBoobs. It's a thing.

And what does that mean?
Devin: It means cover your poop or Jesus won't come

G: I flipped you off in my dream last night.
T: Rude! Why?
G: You were going to make fun of me.
T: So it's not that I did, it's that I was going to.
G: Yes.
T: OK, Thought Police Gwen.

Gwen: I like your shirt Nick.
Nick: You're welcome Gwen!

#LyingCrapWeasle is now trending on Twitter.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Woods Overheard

Nicholas: (Feeling Truman's face) I think you're about to have a mustache!

Truman: Mom just sort of vanished and no one knew why. It's like...enigma Mom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gwen and Truman are both Professional and Productive at Work

An IM conversation:

Truman Blanchard 2:30 PM
I think they gave me a dud computer, this thing is slower than frozen molasses going up a hill backwards.
Gwen Hammer 2:30 PM
That was a beautiful analogy.
Is your computer running Windows 7?
Truman Blanchard 2:33 PM
I think it might be walking Windows 7, yes
Gwen Hammer 2:34 PM
yuck yuck
Truman Blanchard 2:34 PM
It is too late in the afternoon for morning sickness.
Gwen Hammer 2:34 PM
No, that would be "hurk, hurk"
Truman Blanchard 2:35 PM
Ah, subtle distinction.

(but really we are professional...out loud...)

Motherhood and Musical Instruments

Dad: Speaking of placentas...hand me that piano.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


(A conversation over Facebook and text)

Gwen: So...Gravity.
Ethan: Just go back! So good!
Gwen: In iMac 3d?
Gwen: Imax*
Ethan: Yes. Apple Mcdonalds in the 3rd dimension.

Monday, September 10, 2012

From Our Elder

Elder Blanchard: Time to go, my hour is up, and my computer turns into a pumpkin if I do not log off on time.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Internet

Justin: What did people do socially before the internet?
Gwen: They had tea parties.